Membership in the Norwood Amateur Radio Club helps defray the costs associated with operating the club. This includes our web hosting, Zoom subscription, PO Box payments, and repeater maintenance costs. The physical repeater site, and electricity for running the repeater are provided to us by the Town of Norwood. IRLP and EchoLink equipment and web design and maintenance  are donated by members of the club.

The cost for our annual dues is set by the club treasurer, and voted on by our members at our December members meeting. Dues for 2025 are $10.00 per person. Dues cover the period of January 1st through December 31st. To be fair, our dues are cut in half for anyone joining from July 1st through the end of the calendar year. Dues can be paid by check and sent by mail to: The Norwood Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 352 Hanson, MA 02341. For security reasons, only checks or money orders can be accepted through the mail.

Donations to the club are graciously accepted. At this time, we can not accept any equipment. 

Donations can be paid by check or and sent by mail to: The Norwood Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 352 Hanson, MA 02341. For security reasons, only checks or money orders can be accepted through the mail.