K1JMR Weekly Net Preamble
Does anyone wish to make a call on this frequency before we begin the Norwood Amateur Radio Club’s weekly net?
This is [Your Callsign, Your Name] calling the Norwood Amateur Radio Club’s weekly net.
This net convenes every Tuesday evening on the W1JLI repeater at 8PM local time. This is an open net. All Hams who are listening are encouraged to check in and participate.
The purpose of this net is to discuss Amateur Radio Related Topics, Club Related Activities and Public Service
support and events. When checking in please say, “HERE IS” and drop the carrier momentarily to listen for doubling [Drop Carrier] and then provide your call sign, your first name and your present QTH.
I will now ask that all stations wishing to participate in this net to please check in now.
The Net Control Station has heard [List Callsigns, Names And Towns Of All Checkins]
Before we start round one I have some brief announcements to make.
The next club meeting will take place on [Meeting Day And Date] at 7:30 pm On Zoom. Our member meetings are open to all.
The Zoom Credentials can be found on our website at www.norwood-arc in the calendar tab.
The next EMARG VE session will take place on [Session Day And Date] at 7pm at the Mansfield fish and game club located at 510 East Street, Mansfield, MA 02048.
Participants on the net are welcome to join us on Zoom for an informal “off-the-air” gab fest. The Zoom credentials can be found on our website at www.norwod-arc.org in the calendar tab.
Finally, Some of the members of the club meet up at Murph’s Place restaurant at 58 Broadway, Norwood, MA
every Tuesday morning at 9:30AM for an informal get together. We meet in the parking lot, and go in as a group.
all are welcome to join us.
[Round 1 – Call Stations in the Order they checked in]
Are there any additional stations wishing to join the Norwood Amateur Radio Club weekly net. Please call now.
[If additional stations, Call Them in the Order they checked in]
[Round 2 – Call Stations in the Order they checked in including late check ins]
Are there any additional check ins or further comments before we close the net?
[Last Call – Call Stations in the Order they were received]
I would like to thank all Hams who have participated and or listened to tonight’s Norwood Amateur Radio Club’s net.
This concludes this session of the Norwood Amateur Radio Club’s weekly net. We now return the frequency to normal use.
This is [Your Callsign, your Name] 73 and Good Evening!