Club Meeting Videos
August 2024
Our August 2024 club meeting included a presentation by Chris Phllips, KB1KHI, on his work with the Walpole Robotic team.
March 2024
Our March 2024 club meeting included a presentation and demonstration by Stan, K9SWX (via YouTube) on putting together a computer digital scanner.
January 2024
Our January 2024 club meeting included a presentation and demonstration by Lou Harris, N1UEC on computer remote access and building a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow encrypted transmissions to computers that you use and / or support.
December 2023
Our December 2023 club meeting included a follow-up presentation on how Larry Brewer, W1LEB implemented a mesh computer network in his multi level home.
November 2023
Our November 2023 club meeting included a presentation on another tiny kit build by Chris, KB1NLW
October 2023
Our October 2023 club meeting included a presentation on how to become an ARRL Volunteer Examiner by Barry Devine, K1BFD.
August 2023
Our August 2023 club meeting included a presentation and live demonstration on FY8 by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW.
June 2023
Our June 2023 club meeting included a presentation by Jeff Padell, KC1USN about Solar Photography.
May 2023
Our May 2023 club meeting included a presentation by Chris Philips, KB1KHI with an update to his work with the Walpole High School Robotics team.
April 2023
Our April 2023 club meeting included a presentation by Barry Devine, K1BFD about what you can do to improve your wi-fi coverage in your house or apartment.
March 2023
Our March 2023 club meeting included a presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW about his kit build of a Micko Bitx V6.1 QRP transceiver.
January 2023
The January 2023 Club Meeting includes a presentation by Barry, K1BFD who not only is our Vice President but also the club’s webmaster. The presentation introduces the club’s new 2023 website, including how it was built, what software was used, and a look behind the scenes of how the administration portion of the website works. If you are interested in building your own website, check the video descriptions for a companion video that is available that shows how you can build a sandbox on your own Windows or Macintosh computer .
November 2022
Our November 2022 club meeting included a presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW on everything you ever wanted to know about Software Defined Radio (SDR). His presentation includes how SDR works, and a good demonstration on the various SDR software available.
October 2022
Our October 2022 club meeting included a presentation by Larry Brewer, W1LEB on counterpoise and radials. The presentation is comprised of portions of 5 different YouTube presentations covering everything you need to know about radials for your antennas.
September 2022
Our September 2022 club meeting included a Presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW on his build of a loop receive antenna.
August 2022
Our August 2022 club meeting included a presentations by Jeff Padell, WX1USN on solar photography. Jeff is an accomplished photographer and an avid amateur astronomer owning several of his own telescopes as well as belonging to some astronomy groups and societies.
July 2022
Our July 2022 club meeting included a presentations by Phil McNamara, KB1CYO about Narrow Band Emergency Message System or NBEMS for short. The system is driven by the free FLDIGI suite of software available for Windows, Mac and Linux. The hardware requirements are; any radio (HT, Mobile, HF) that has a mic and speaker jack , and a radio interface. If your radio has a USB port, you are all set. If not, the easiest way is with a SignaLink or RigBlaster and appropriate cable sets which you can purchase or home brew. For a computer, the only requirement is a sound card and mic connection. Because of the low overhead, an old Windows 7 machine with 1GB of ram and a small hard drive is perfect. Obviously, more ram is better. The presentation also includes a demo of the functionality of the software.
June 2022
Our June 2022 club meeting included two Youtube presentations about Long Wire antennas. The first video is about the different types of Long Wire antennas, and the second is a review and demonstration about a Nelson wire antenna.
May 2022
Our May 2022 members meeting includes a presentation my Chris Philips, KB1KHI about updates to his work with the town of Walpole Robotics Team.
April 2022
The April 2022 club meeting included a presentation by Burt Fisher (sk) ,K1OIK on a walk and talk at the 30th Nearfest in Deerfield New Hampshire.
March 2022
Our March 2022 meeting includes a presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW on his companies work in designing guidance systems used by the military.
February 2022
Our February 2022 meeting included a YouTube presentation that was an interview with Bob Heil from Heil Sound.
January 2022
Our January 2022 meeting included a presentation by Phil Phil McLaughlin, KB1CYO on building a portable VHF / UHF go kit.
December 2021
Our December meeting included 2 Youtube videos; DMR For Beginners – HAM Radio – TheSmokinApe, and What Is A Digital Ham Radio Hotspot DMR DSTAR C4FM Hotspots Explained.
November 2021
Our November meeting included a presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW on the trials and tribulations of his new 20 meter CW kit build.
October 2021
Our October meeting included a presentation by Chris Phillips, KB1KHI titled Dirt Fishing, which is everything you would want to know about metal detection. Chris shows off not only his expertise on the subject, but also includes his vast array of the various detectors and accessories he uses.
September 2021
Our September meeting included a YouTube presentation by Mike Bowman, KG2MG titled Dayton Hamvention 2016 Walk and Talk. Normally, the presentation is stitched into the meeting video. However, in order for Mike to get the credit he is due (and possible YouTube monetization), his video is a separate link pointing to his YouTube. If you never attended Hamvention, this is how it looked back in 2016 when it was held at the Hara Arena. It has since moved to a new venue. This video is strictly the club meeting less the presentation. If you want to see the presentation (and I highly recommend it), click on the link and enjoy yhe show.
August 2021
Our August meeting included a presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW titled Feed Lines for Dummies Like Me. Chris designs all of his own antennas, and is our go-to guy for antenna modeling expertise. Chris is an Extra class license holder and an electrical engineer. In addition, Chris is also a Volunteer Examiner with the Eastern Mass Amateur Radio Group.
June 2021
Our June meeting included a presentation by Phil McLaughlin, KB1CYO on home beer brewing. Phil has over 20 years experience in home brewing, and is our resident expert on the process. This presentation covers a comprehensive overview on the process including the history of beer, and what Phil uses in his making his own brews. Phil is an General class license holder and an engineer. In addition, Phil is a Volunteer Examiner with the Eastern Mass Amateur Radio Group.
May 2021
Our May meeting included a presentation by Barry Devine, K1BFD on computer security. This presentation covers what products and services Barry uses to secure his home computers and online presence, and why he chose them. Barry is the Vice President of the Norwood Amateur Radio Club and also serves as it’s WebMaster. Barry is an Extra class license holder and an computer engineer. In addition, Barry is a co-founder of the Eastern Mass Amateur Radio Group where he serves as a Volunteer Examiner.
April 2021
Our April meeting included a presentation by Chris Reynolds, KB1NLW about his new, very affordable 12 bit oscilloscope. This presentation is not only for people familiar with using oscilloscopes, but also for newbies. Chris is an Extra class license holder and an electrical engineer. In addition, Chris also a Volunteer Examiner with the Eastern Mass Amateur Radio Group.
March 2021
Our March meeting included a presentation titled Disasters – The Recovery Process by Rick Cantin, WA1HAM. Rick has extensive experience in Emergency Management having held the position of EMA Assistant Deputy Director with 2 different local EMA organizations before becoming a FEMA Reservist in 2016 where he worked as a Disaster Survival Specialist. Currently, Rick is working as a FEMA Help Desk Covid coordinator dealing with helping families of Covid victims in obtaining funeral expense reimbursements. Rick is an Extra class license holder, having done it the hard way by passing a 20 word per minute code test. Rick is also a Volunteer Examiner with the Eastern Mass Amateur Radio Group.
February 2021
Our February meeting included an outstanding presentation by Chris Phillips, KB1KHI on his work with the Walpole High School Robotics team. Some of the music audio on a few of the clips had to be replaced due to potential copyright violations.
January 2021
Our January meeting included a presentation by Barry Devine, K1BFD entitled building your own locally hosted WordPress website. Barry mentioned that step-by-step directions for for setting up the local environment on your home PC or Mac as well as building a fully functional WordPress site are available in our members website.